AFSC: Save free speech from a Pentagon offensive
james m nordlund
2005-12-21 20:21:13 UTC
Save free speech from a Pentagon offensive
An urgent message from the General Secretary of the American Friends
Service Committee
Dear James M,
What I'm about to tell you is an outrage. This is an important update
for the peace and justice community.
Please share this message with all of your friends.
You may have been following the breaking scandal that the Department
of Defense has admitted spying on the American Friends Service
Committee, our coalition partners, and thousands of people like you.
Take action now to tell your Congressional representatives that
you want the government to stop spying on the people of this
country. Follow the link below to take action.
(http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=ipbDeb2FdzEUCwc4qvGaaA.. )
Two years ago, the Defense Department directed its Counterintelligence
Field Activity (CIFA) to establish a domestic law enforcement database
that included information related to "potential terrorist threats
directed against the Department of Defense." Earlier this week, NBC
broke the story that the Pentagon was using the system to collect
information on peaceful gatherings and counter-recruiting
NBC obtained a 400 page printout from the database of which 8 pages
have been released. In those few pages, we have found four events
sponsored by AFSC. The threatening events in the database included
handing out literature in front of military recruiting stations and
commemorating the second anniversary of the Iraq War.
We knew that our staff had already been under surveillance by the FBI
and local police in Colorado, Illinois, and Iowa for their work to end
this war. The courts agreed with us then that spying, not free
speech, is a threat, as they did during the Vietnam War, when we
helped win the guarantees that we are all supposed to enjoy today that
our military will not spy on Americans.
Take action now to see that history doesn't repeat itself.
(http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=_C8FoyHLsr-S7iCrq3Pbqg.. )
Tell Congress that you support our fundamental right to speak our mind
and organize on the issues of the day. This new wave of spying
can only be seen as a threat to our rights to free speech and the
freedom of assembly. For decades, Cold Warriors criticized
foreign governments for exactly these types of activities. With the
help of friends like you, AFSC stood firm against the pressures of the
McCarthy era and we won't stop speaking truth to power today.
Tell your representatives in Washington that this isn't our
Please follow the link below to take action.
(http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=MYEhcQgXC5MLTg5TNdvtWQ.. )
In Peace,
Mary Ellen McNish,
General Secretary, AFSC
© 2005 AFSC
American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
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