Braying their lies
Tom Macchia
2005-10-28 22:23:54 UTC
Hi all,
I got a chance to see Real Time with Bill Maher for this week and found Tucker Carlson particularly obnoxious. He kept interrupting the other panelists, braying one lie and piece of miss information after another. In particular there was a discussion on the state of health care in the US where TC gave out one fallacious statistic after another. Given my interest in the subject I knew immediately that he had no idea what he was talking about (or perhaps he knew very well). Unlike John Stewart who called him a "dick head" and ignored him, Bill did not have what it took to counter him. When I saw this cartoon calling out another of the right wing dick heads (or maybe I should use another term) it reminded me of the chief tactic of most of the media darlings of the right Lie Loudly Belligerently and Often.
So here's to O'riely, rush and of course ann and tucker etc. Someone please put these children in their rooms for a long time out!

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