Wal-Mart Rally - Tomorrow - NOON
Stephen Cleary
2005-11-23 01:03:37 UTC
"All I want for Christmas is health insurance"

This Friday marks the busiest shopping day of the year
and unfortunately, many of our fellow Alaskans will
head to Wal-Mart to do their Christmas shopping. As
many of us already know, and what is becoming
increasingly clear in recent media coverage, Wal-Mart
has built an empire based on poor working conditions,
huge tax-subsidies and ugly building designs.

Wal-Mart is now planning to build 3 new supercenters
in Anchorage. A business like this has no place in
Anchorage and we need to send a message to our leaders
to stand up to future Wal-Mart development. Please
join us on Wedesday to say 'NO' to Wal-Mart:

What: 'No to Wal-Mart' Citizen Demonstration
When: Tomorrow (Wed, 11/23) at noon
Where: Wal-Mart parking lot- corner of A and Benson
Who: Concerned citizens, environmental groups, labor
organizations and YOU!

Steve Cleary

- You can donate to Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild after the hurricances in the Gulf Coast at: www.habitat.org

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