james m nordlund
2005-11-26 19:15:41 UTC
Join Ironweed!
If you enjoyed movies like "Outfoxed" and "The Hunting of the President,"
you may be interested in Ironweed, a new progressive film club. Ironweed
is working hard to promote and distribute independent-minded progressive
films, and they're offering Progressive Majority supporters an early
opportunity to get in on the action.
Sign up for a one-month free trial:
The idea behind Ironweed is simple: sign up for the club and every month
you'll get a DVD in the mail that contains an award-winning feature film,
short film, and free extras. The films are yours to keep - add them to
your library, show them to your friends, or pass them on. If you don't
think the films are great, you can cancel with no hassles.
It's so important that we build a national progressive movement, and
Ironweed is helping to get progressive messages across to new audiences.
your support, we can push these films into mainstream distribution.
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Paid for by Progressive Majority, www.progressivemajority.org, and not
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Contributions to Progressive Majority are not tax deductible.
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Think your friends would be interested in progressiveNET? Tell them about
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Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
If you enjoyed movies like "Outfoxed" and "The Hunting of the President,"
you may be interested in Ironweed, a new progressive film club. Ironweed
is working hard to promote and distribute independent-minded progressive
films, and they're offering Progressive Majority supporters an early
opportunity to get in on the action.
Sign up for a one-month free trial:
The idea behind Ironweed is simple: sign up for the club and every month
you'll get a DVD in the mail that contains an award-winning feature film,
short film, and free extras. The films are yours to keep - add them to
your library, show them to your friends, or pass them on. If you don't
think the films are great, you can cancel with no hassles.
It's so important that we build a national progressive movement, and
Ironweed is helping to get progressive messages across to new audiences.
your support, we can push these films into mainstream distribution.
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Paid for by Progressive Majority, www.progressivemajority.org, and not
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Contributions to Progressive Majority are not tax deductible.
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Think your friends would be interested in progressiveNET? Tell them about
If you received this progressiveNET alert from a friend, you can sign up
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005