Invitation to Disability Caucus of Green Party + Happy Holidays All
james m nordlund
2005-12-31 01:45:45 UTC

Hello. Good Day. Very cool responses, thanx! I hope you and yours
are well and will continue to be. Happy holidays! I've been an
advocate/activist on all issues, et al, for 31 years of my 46;
please, do what you can for humanity. Dylan Thomas' poem line comes
to mind "...and death (murder) shall have no dominion...".; as
others might say, "we, the people...", can make it so!

"Invitation to Join the Disability Caucus of the Green Party
The Disability Caucus is an Identity Caucus of the United States
Green Party.
Once we are accredited, we will have the same status as state
parties do within
the Green Party (except that we can not cast a vote for our
nominee). There are several other Identity Caucuses, including
Black, Latino,
Women, and Lavender.

Verified Members:

Please join us by becoming a verified member aka a voting member. We
need 100
verified members, spread out over at least 15 states, in order to be
as a Caucus. As of September 2004, we have 84 people in 23

To be a verified member you must meet the following requirements:

1. Be registered to vote as a Green in your US State; OR (if your
does not have a Green Party or you are not eligible to vote) be
to the Green Party in some tangible way (fairly flexible).
2. Be a person with a disability. We may allow some non-disabled
members but so far have not made that decision.
3. Agree to follow major discussions and participate in votes.
4. Send your information to our Membership Committee at
***@.... We will need your legal name, snail mail
address, email address, phone number, date of birth, connection to
the Green Party (are you registered Green?), and if you are disabled
or a friend of the disabled community. This information is for
internal Green Party use only and will not be made public. If you are
joining as an adjunct member (a nonvoting friend of the Caucus),
please let the membership committee know. If you aren't sure if you
want to become a verified member, just let them know that too.

Adjunct Members:

If you do not qualify as a verified (voting) member but want to be
part of the
Caucus, we welcome you to join the mailing list and participate in
discussions. Please let the Membership Committee know who you are
and that you
are an adjunct member. We require your real name and a brief
description of why
you are here. Adjunct members include people living outside the
United States,
those whose hearts are Green but who are not part of the Green Party
at this
time, and people who are not themselves disabled (or do not qualify
if we offer
expanded membership).

Disabled Greens Mailing List:

Our discussions and votes take place on the Disabled Greens mailing
list. If possible, please join this list. We average 1-4 messages a
but this can vary a lot. The list is to discuss Caucus business and
activism work only. We are not a disability support group.

To join the Disabled Greens mailing list:

Please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/disabledgreens/
Or send email to disabledgreens-subscribe-***@public.gmane.org
For more information, contact Cyndi Norman at ***@...

Disabled Greens Votes Mailing List:

This is an announcement list for official caucus business only (no
discussion). This is where votes and other important items will go.
the list moderators can post. Nothing will go here that won't also
be on
Disabled Greens. If you do not have the energy to keep up with the
Disabled Greens list, you can join Disabled Greens Votes to make
sure you
won't miss anything important.

If you join this list, please also join Disabled Greens as at least a
Special Notices subscriber so you will be able to read posts on the
(or switch back to receiving posts) when you wish to follow a

To join the Disabled Greens Votes mailing list:

Please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/disabledgreensvotes
Or send email to disabledgreens-subscribe-***@public.gmane.org
For more information, contact Cyndi Norman at ***@...

Non-Internet Members:

We recognize that some potential members will not be able to have
access, either for financial reasons or due to their disability. We
encourage everyone who can get internet access (it's free at the
library) to take advantage of it, but if you can't, we would still
like to
have you be a member of this Caucus.

To join as a non-internet member, please use one of the following
people and give them all the information for verification (see list
above). You will be able to choose phone, TTY, or snail mail contact,
though it will make it easier if you are able to do more than one.
You will
be assigned another member (if you don't already know one) who will
you up to date on discussions and send in a proxy for your votes.

We are still working out these details so please be patient.

Contact People:

Email (mailing lists, website, general questions):

Cyndi Norman at ***@...

Email (membership committee and verification questions):

Erica Freeman at ***@...

Voice Telephone:

Ruthanne Shpiner at (510) 524-9680 (Pacific Time). Weekdays late
morning/noon, weekends anytime before 5 PM.

Heidi Friedman at 617-666-7816 (Eastern Time). Noon-8:00 pm.

TTY Telephone:

Sharon Wachsler at (413) 625-9820 (Eastern Time). TTY calls only.
TTY answering machine. Please allow time for me to switch over from
voice to


Snail Mail:

Green Party Disability Caucus, attn: Heidi
c/o Havurat Shalom
113 College Ave, Somerville MA 02144



Feel free to forward this announcement to appropriate individuals or

What do you think? From the heart in the heart of the heartland.
Some groups I moderate:
Disabled Greens News and discussion, Group home page
"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DisabledGreensNews/" ,
Abuse in Therapy, Group homepage
Diffabled, Mental Health, all related issues, advocacy, and
Invite link: "http://passport.care2.net/invite.html?g=880" Homepage:
"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a
painting which is heard but not seen." ~ Leonardo da Vinci Enjoy a
festive eve' as you can. Copy, share, as you will. Lest "we" forget,
if you don't exercise responsibility, its Siamese sister, freedom,
will wither, as well. Sadly, now, it first needs to be exorcized be
fore its exercised. Viva la evolution!

Matutinally Yours, james m nordlund reality (aja) :)

For those interested "of or pertaining to the morning, day: relating
to or happening in the morning or in the early part of the day
(formal), (Mid-16th century, from late Latin matutinalis, from
Matuta, goddess of the dawn.)" Music is life's song accompanying the
abundance of joy's Spring. I look forward to hearing from you.

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