Green Line October 2005
james m nordlund
2005-11-07 10:51:47 UTC
October 2005, News Headline
Green Party Candidate Gloria Mattera Makes Brooklyn History

Representatives of Gloria Mattera's Green Party Campaign for Brooklyn
Borough President announced that contributions to the campaign have
exceeded the threshold for 4 to 1 matching funds from New York City's
Campaign Finance program.
"I am proud to be the first Green Party candidate eligible for matching
funds for this office," said Mattera. "This demonstrates tremendous
support for our campaign from city residents who are tired of watching
[the incumbent] Marty Markowitz act as a doormat for Bruce Ratner and
other developers who want to take over our city. The Campaign Finance
Program levels the playing field for candidates such as myself who do not
accept corporate campaign contributions, and is a wonderful tool in
support of grass roots democracy."

Mattera and other Brooklyn Greens have been working with local activists
in the Don’t Destroy Brooklyn Coalition to head off an attempt by
billionaire developer Bruce Ratner to seize homes and businesses to build
a sports arena and luxury condominiums. Mattera is challenging the plan
and has publicly exposed the secret sweetheart deals between current
president, Markowitz and Ratner. Mattera calls for a moratorium on big
scale development of high rises and big box stores until developers agree
to involve the community in decision-making and commit to maintaining the
integrity of existing neighborhoods.

To qualify, program participants running for Brooklyn Borough President
must receive a total of $49,307 from at least 100 eligible contributors
with a maximum amount of $250 applying toward matching funds, which will
be at least $200,000 for the Mattera Campaign.

NY Green Robyn Sklar running for New York City Council in Queens also
qualified matching funds of apx. $27,000 – a first for a Green running in

For more information on the Mattera campaign http://www.electgloria.org/

Greens Pay Tribute to Rosa Parks

We mourn the passing of Rosa Parks, and encourage Americans to recognize
that the struggle for human rights and freedoms -- of which Ms. Parks
remains a towering symbol -- is far from over.

"The best way to remember Rosa Parks' courage in 1955 is to rededicate
ourselves to civil rights in 2005," said Rick Tingling-Clemmons, Black
Caucus delegate to the National Committee of the Green Party of the United
States. "Ms. Parks' act of civil disobedience on a bus led to passage of
the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which enforced the 14th Amendment's guarantee
of equal protection under the law. The obstruction and manipulation of
votes in the 2000 and 2004 elections -- especially African American votes
-- demonstrate that the civil rights movement isn't over, that we're still
fighting for the right to vote for all Americans."

To read the entire press release go to:
http://www.gp.org/press/pr_2005_10_26.sh tml

Voters Choose IRV

According to a new study commissioned by the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors and conducted by San Francisco State University, voters who
have had the opportunity to use Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), (also called
Instant Runoff Voting, or IRV), prefer it to the old system. 61% of
polling place voters and 77% of absentee voters preferred the system where
the voter can rank candidates according to choice and have their second or
third choice counted if their first or second choice is eliminated. (If
your first choice is for someone who does not receive a predetermined
minimum percentage of votes, then all those votes are eliminated and your
second choice is then counted and so on.) 46% of voters polled (versus the
3% with the traditional system) felt with Ranked Choice Voting they will
be more likely to vote for their preferred candidate rather than choose
between the "lesser of two evils". Almost all of the voters polled (87%)
felt that they understood how Ranked Choice Voting works, indicating that
it would be easy to adapt in other communities. Ross Mirkarimi, a Green
Party member, currently holds office on the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors, the body which commissioned the study.

The complete report is availabel here:
http://pri.sfsu.ed u/reports/SFSU-PRI_RCV_final_report_June_30.pdf
Green Party Vows Support as Elaine Brown Fights Disqualification

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders pledged support for Elaine Brown,
Green candidate for Mayor of Brunswick, Georgia, after the Glynn County
Board of Elections announced that Ms. Brown was disqualified from
participating in the November 8 election. "It's obvious that Elaine was
seen as a significant threat to powerful wealthy interests who wanted her
removed from the race," said Rev. Zach Lyde, a member of the Glynn County
Green Party. "We believe these same interests influenced the Glynn County
Board of Elections."

"Elaine Brown was running a people's campaign, defending Brunswick's
majority African American and poor population against 'Blueprint
Brunswick', a development plan according to which the city will evict
thousands from their homes, using sweeping powers of eminent domain," Rev.
Lyde added. "This was a Republican hatchet job against a strong, credible
candidate seen as a viable threat. We will assist in whatever way we can
with Elaine's legal challenge in Glynn County Superior Court."

Ms. Brown has asserted that her residency was sufficiently established by
November 5, 2004, when she registered to vote in Brunswick, in accord with
the one-year residency requirement for a candidate to appear on the ballot
on November 8, 2005. Ms. Brown has cited a Georgia Supreme Court decision
confirming that registration in time for the election in which a candidate
seeks to participate is sufficient for the purpose of seeking local

Green Parties throughout the U.S. have fought to overturn restrictive
ballot access laws. Greens noted in September, 2004, that while Democrats
attempted to disqualify independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader in
Florida on technicalities, a 'gentlemen's agreement' between Democrats and
Republicans allowed the state of Florida to ignore the fact that George W.
Bush's campaign had missed the September 1 filing deadline to place Mr.
Bush on the ballot. Greens have faced similar double standards in numerous
races .

Ms. Brown challenged the decision at a Glynn County Superior Court hearing
on Thursday. Supporters of her campaign held a rally before and after the
hearing. A decision is expected on Monday, October 31, 2005.


Green Party online shopping just got easier! To Order: online store.

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(or download a PDF order form).

The latest, coolest item in the wallets of progressives is the
personalized Green Party Card. For $36.00 a year* you can be a
card-carrying Green. When you become an active supporter of the Green
Party of the United States, you'll receive our spanking-new card, which
shows the world that you stand committed to time-honored progressive
values like liberty, equality, democracy, social justice, personal
responsibility and focus on the future. In addition, you will receive a
Green Party button and bumper sticker, a one-year subscription to Green
Pages, plus all of the information you need to get involved and active as
a Green. Half of your contribution will be shared with your state's Green
Party. The Future is Green!

Order Your Green Party Card Online Today
Federal law requires political committees to use their best effort to
collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for
each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
Contributions form the following individuals and entities are prohibited:
corporations, labor organizations, national banks, government contractors,
people under 18 years of age, and foreign nationals.

*$36.00 is roughly equivalent to the $1.00 paid for a one-year membership
in the Populist Party of the 1890s. The Populist Party was a multiracial,
progressive, grassroots third party of working people which agitated for
many popular progressive reforms. The Green Party of the 21st century
continues the Populist's fight for citizen empowerment and progressive
reforms at all levels today.

Register Green. Vote Green. Give Green.
The Green Party does not accept corporate donations. We depend entirely on
donations from people who are committed to building a powerful and
progressive alternative to the two corporate parties.

We ask you to challenge corporate influence in politics by supporting the
Green Party of the United States! Show your resistance to the status quo
by enabling us to continue organizing and mobilizing for real change.
Please help us get out our positive, progressive values to new
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Support us today and please consider becoming a sustainer (look for the
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