Help Us Save PBS
james m nordlund
2006-06-16 16:12:49 UTC
Help Us Save PBS
Dear james m,

$95 million.

That's how much Congress wants to slash from public broadcasting's budget
for next year.1 Cutting that amount will devastate many of public TV's
best children's programs.

We've fought this battle before, and won. Last year, Congress threatened
to slash public broadcasting's funding by nearly a quarter. But intense
public pressure forced them to restore the full original budget.

With your help, we can once again stop partisans in the House from getting
away with this effort to undermine an important American institution. We
need your support.


The budget cuts are aimed directly at PBS's "Ready to Learn" project,
which funds shows like Clifford the Big Red Dog, Sesame Street, Maya &
Miguel and Postcards from Buster.

Last year, Postcards from Buster, a show about a cartoon bunny visiting
various places in America, was pushed into the gay marriage controversy by
Secretary of Education Margaret Spelling. She took time out from her
second day on the job to pander to the right-wing by firing off a letter
to PBS execs expressing outrage over an episode of Buster that featured
him visiting a family farm headed by two moms.2

We can successfully counter these attacks and ensure that Congress
restores full funding - but we need your financial help to do it.


If the House and Senate pass the funding cuts, they would go into effect
on October 1. The result would likely be the elimination of some
educational programmingÂ… you can bet Buster, Big Bird and Clifford are
nervous. Please forward this message to your friends and family and urge
them to join our campaign to protect public broadcasting.

Earlier this week, calls and emails from Common Cause members persuaded
the House Appropriations Committee to reduce public broadcasting's cuts by
$20 million. Now we need your help for the next step of the fight.


Thank you for all you do for Common Cause.


Chellie Pingree
President, Common Cause

1 Los Angeles Times
2 Spelling's censorship is evident on the show's website, which has
"redacted" that episode from its archives.

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