NWLC Alerts: Hse Budget Vote Likely Next Wk: Contact Reprs., etc
james m nordlund
2005-11-07 12:04:44 UTC
House Budget Vote Likely Next Week: Contact Representatives!
November 03, 2005
House Vote Likely Next Week: Contact Representatives!

The week of November 7, the House is expected to vote on a bill which
would cut $54 billion from vital supports for women and their families,
including Medicaid, Food Stamps, child care, child support enforcement,
foster care, and student aid. Incredibly, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
and in the face of increasing numbers of poor, uninsured, and hungry
Americans, the bill would cut nearly $20 billion more from these critical
programs than required by the unfair budget resolution adopted earlier
this year. And these cuts aren’t going to pay for hurricane relief or
reduce the deficit, but to help finance $70 billion or more in additional
tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations as the next step in the budget
process. For more information on the unfair sacrifice in the House budget
plan, click here.

Take Action!
Participate in a Call-in Week Beginning November 7th AND Send your
Representative an E-mail! Call and e-mail your Representative next week
and tell them to vote “no” on the budget plan to cut vital services. Tell
them that cutting health care, food assistance, child care and child
support for poor working families to pay for more tax cuts for the wealthy
are the wrong priorities.

The American Friends Service Committee has generously donated their
toll-free number for the week of November 7. Call 800-426-8073 to be
connected for free to the capitol switchboard. Or click here to find your
Representative’s direct office number in D.C. Tell-A-Friend Send a
note to a friend to let them know about this alert!

NWLC Action Center Visit the NWLC Action Center to take action on other
issues affecting women and their families.


NWLC Home Get the facts. Visit the National Women's Law Center web site to
learn more about issues impacting women and their families.

Title IX Update and Invitation to Join Title IX Leaders Network
Thank you for your calls to Senators about the possible Stevens-Murray
Title IX amendment to the Education Appropriations bill. The amendment,
which would have prohibited taxpayer dollars from being spent to enforce a
harmful change to Title IX, was not offered, but your calls helped secure
support for our efforts by many Senators.

We are continuing to urge Members to include in this bill some limitation
on the Department of Education’s use of its harmful new policy, and we
will keep you posted and call on you again when we think your calls will
have the most impact. We really appreciate your willingness to speak out
in support of Title IX, which is critical to ensuring that our daughters
and sons are treated fairly in educational programs.

We also are forming a Title IX Leaders Network that we hope you will
consider joining. Title IX Leaders Network is a group of dedicated
advocates that can be contacted by the Center to organize around Title IX
issues in their local communities. As a member of the Title IX Leaders
Network, you will receive E-Update newsletters, action alerts, resources
for Title IX advocacy, and opportunities to take a more active role in
defending Title IX.

Who Can Get Involved?
• Students (athletes and non-athletes)
• Community members
• Both women and men!
• Leaders already established in Title IX friendly organizations
• Individual activists

If you are interested in joining this Network, please fill out the
information below and mail, fax or e-mail to…

Melanie Ross, 11 Dupont Circle, NW, Ste. 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.588.5180 (phone), 202.588.5185 (fax), mross-***@public.gmane.org

Sign Me Up!

Please print clearly:





Phone Number:

I am willing to (select all that apply):
__ Distribute Title IX materials, including flyers, e-mails, and fact
__ Host a meeting/program on Title IX
__ Set up or attend an in-district meeting with a Senator/Representative
/University Leadership
__ Write a letter to the editor
__ Recruit other Title IX leaders
__ Call Senators/Representatives/University Leadership
__ Help organize a rally/protest

NWLC Home Get the facts. Visit the National Women's Law Center web site to
learn more about issues impacting women and their families.

NWLC E-Update and Action Alert Network Join or update your contact info.

If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from this news & information list,
please visit here.

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