Torture Permission to be Slipped into Law? - FCNL (Act)
james m nordlund
2005-10-28 22:49:22 UTC
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 14:10:49 -0400 (EDT)
Legislative Action Message
Torture Permission to be Slipped into Law? - FCNL

The vice-president of the United States is publically advocating giving a
U.S. government agency statutory authority to use torture. Supporters of
McCain anti-torture amendment to the military spending bill have no time
enjoy the amendment's overwhelming 90-9 bi-partisan passage in the Senate.
The amendment may be rendered meaningless by loopholes under consideration
in conference committee. We must act now, telling Congress that no matter
which government agency, no matter where, and no matter how the president
characterizes the circumstances, United States forces do not ever have
permission to torture or use cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or

Take Action:
Please contact your congressional delegation, including both of your
senators and your representative. Tell them that the McCain amendment must
not be altered during conference committee to lessen its provisions. Tell
them that every member of Congress has the responsibility to make sure
U.S. moral values and sound military principles are upheld by preserving
McCain amendment to the 2006 military appropriations bill, intact for the
president's signature.

See FCNL's web site to find a sample letter and contact your members of
Congress directly. You will need to enter your zip code to see the sample


President Bush has threatened to veto the 2006 military appropriations
(H.R. 2863) because the Senate amended its version of the bill to require
that: (1) treatment of all Department of Defense (DoD) detainees or
detainees held in DoD facilities must follow the Army Field Manual for
Intelligence Interrogation; and (2) the U.N. Convention Against Torture
Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment (to which the U.S. is a signatory)
governs all U.S. detainees. Read the text of the amendment.

The president's congressional allies were initially rumored to have plans
strip the amendment from the bill. However, the lopsided, bi-partisan vote
in the Senate signaled a powerful political incentive for the conference
committee to retain the amendment in the bill. Instead of working to strip
the amendment, the administration and its supporters have suggested
revisions to the amendment that would water it down to the point of
meaninglessness. Vice-President Cheney proposed his own "compromise" plan
Sen. McCain last week (week of Oct. 10). The Cheney Plan would exempt the
CIA from the provisions of the anti-torture amendment. This plan is so
shocking, it bears repeating: the vice-president of the United States is
publically advocating giving a U.S. government agency statutory authority
use torture. This proposal is especially dangerous in light of the
administration's support for moving all intelligence functions out of the
Pentagon and the FBI and into the CIA's portfolio.

Other proponents of allowing brutal treatment under some circumstances
suggested other loopholes to the amendment, e.g., presidential waiver (the
president could, using his own judgment, waive the prohibition in the
interest of national security); geographic limitation (torture would be
prohibited only in certain locations, such as on U.S. soil); or
non-applicability of the amendment during "classified" interrogations.

The president argues that the McCain amendment ties the president's hands
his efforts to preserve national security in the post-September 11 world.
also claims that as commander-in-chief, he has the authority to determine
the rules by which detainees in the "war against terror" are handled.
rights supporters disagree, pointing to the U.S. Constitution, Art. I,
8: "The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of
Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and
(emphasis added)

Human rights advocates reiterate that torture -

is inhumane;
doesn't reflect our country's moral values;
undermines human rights standards worldwide;
creates legions of enemies of the U.S.;
brings danger of retaliation on U.S. troops and travelers abroad; and
does not work - it does not produce reliable intelligence information.
Check the FCNL website for further background information about the use of

Coming Soon: A New Look for FCNL's Web Site. On Friday October 28 the site
will be unavailable intermittently throughout the day. Thank you for your

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We seek a world free of war and the threat of war
We seek a society with equity and justice for all
We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled
We seek an earth restored.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Deirdre Helfferich
2005-10-29 02:05:28 UTC
See also my blog entries on Pro-Torture Ted Stevens:


Deirdre Helfferich
Green Party of Alaska
Tanana-Yukon Green Party