Wand: Tell Congress NO to weapons in space
james m nordlund
2006-04-27 16:27:05 UTC
Tell Congress NO to weapons in space
"No" to weapons in space

The time to stop it is now. Your Members of Congress will be making vital
decisions in the next week.
Tell them: Don't fund testing a system designed to attack a satellite.
Click here to send an email.


At least one of your Members of Congress is on a subcommittee that will be
considering this issue soon. Please take a moment to send a message today!
Thanks. Click here to send an email.

Space is not the place for weapons or for fighting wars, but if the Bush
Administration has its way, the world will head that direction all too
soon. This Administration entered office in 2001 determined to reverse
decades of U.S. space policy. Four years later, in 2005, official Air
Force doctrine included a "requirement" to deploy U.S. weapons to
"dominate" and "control" space.
The president's FY07 budget request contains a small but very significant
step toward that goal: $5.7 million to deliberately fire a ground-based
laser at a satellite. In other words, we would be testing a system
designed specifically to attack a satellite.

If this test goes forward, it would break a long-standing moratorium on
ASAT testing and push the world closer to warfighting in space. It is a
short road from testing ASATs to deploying weapons and fighting wars in
space that could endanger current satellites and even threaten the use of
space by future generations. If that happens, we will all be losers.
Satellites enhance our lives all day long, enabling instant banking,
improved weather prediction, faster search and rescue, and safer airplane
navigation, not to mention television broadcasting!

Yet putting weapons in space and attacking satellites with ASATs would put
at risk these systems that are essential to civil and economic life, as
well as to keeping US troops safe. Full-scale war in space could so
pollute the environment as to prohibit any future human spacefaring

At least one of your Members of Congress is on a subcommittee that will be
considering this issue soon. Please take a moment to send a message today!

Click here to send an email.


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